Sunday, February 21, 2010
OpenAustin Meeting Notes
Current inventory of resources: Jive page Facebook Page Twitter page OpenAustin page Services App Pole Daddy Like to have: Introduction page (1- page) One site that unifies all assets
-Crowd sourcing Support
How we do the e-service inventory What do we need to do this first
-Marketing and engagement
Website elements we want: Feedback Task assignment status and submission Blog/News Skill survey and registration Learn about OpenAustin Ideas Site (deleted) Overall initiatives and progress on those
Next steps: · Eliminate the Pole Daddy - Bring that data and form that into our site and control it locally. · Make a real OpenAustin Site - Make a new static page initially to get started. · Transition off of Jive – Unify the log in so it makes it easier to sign up. · Arrange a meetup to help gain awareness, support, and feedback. Phase 1: · Roll out basic site with registration (with Skills Survey) · Have info on what OpenAustin is and what we do · Make sure that a firm date is communicated and info is sent in a timely manner · What is expected of volunteers · FAQ
o Talk about the charter
· Jive setup: make sure that work items can be assigned to people and they get notified about the work. (Dump Jive)
Phase 2: · List of items needed from the community to support OpenAustin Infrastructure and operations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup up meetup to have a trial run to make sure everything works together. Next meeting is: Austin Java, 1206 Parkway, Austin, TX 78703 11:45am - 12:45pm The meeting will be about: Finalize the meetup. Talk about progress on the next steps. Meeting End: 2:29 PM 2/21/2010
OpenAustin, SteelSMBology and Austin partner for success
Friday AustinGO joined with the consulting firm SteelSMBology, the executive board of OpenAustin, community partners and City staff including representatives from Communication and Technology Management, Communications and Public Information Office and other City departments to kickoff phase one of the Web redesign project.
SteelSMBology opened the event with a presentation from the creative and technical partners of the firm. SteelSMBology explained their design strategy and presented a roadmap for creating a best-of-class Web site for Austin. (Watch the complete kick off meeting here.)
In addition to SteelSMBology’s presentation, Friday saw the signing of a charter agreement with OpenAustin. The charter creates a strategic alliance between the City of Austin and OpenAustin to implement new technologies and services for the City Web site. OpenAustin was formed by Austin residents with the goal of developing new capacities for City’s Web site while reducing or eliminating costs. If you’re interested in supporting OpenAustin’s efforts, visit their site for more ideas about how to get involved.
It’s taken a while to get here but AustinGO hopes to complete the analysis and evaluation that will be used to create a new Web site design, architecture and policy framework within 6 – 8 months. Phase two will implement these recommendations, but visitors to the City’s Web site will begin to see significant improvements well before then, as we evaluate and redesign various components of the current site.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, ideas or concerns about the project. The easiest way to reach us is by e-mail, but you can also follow us on Twitter or this Web site. Look for some announcements about how you can get involved in this project very soon.
It’s our goal to create the best municipal Web site in Texas and one of the best in the nation, and we can’t wait to get started.
More – much more – very soon.
Friday, February 19, 2010
eMarketing Principles Conference 2010 | Meet the Speakers: Dawn Lacallade |
Dawn Lacallade is a social media practitioner whose projects include Dell Community Forums, Ideastorm and currently the SolarWinds communities.
Dawn has a passion for releasing the full value of a completely integrated community and clearly demonstrating the results. She is currently chasing this passion with the deeply integrated communities at SolarWinds, where community is one of the core tenants of business. As the Community Manager at SolarWinds, a Network Management Software company located in Austin, Texas, Dawn is responsible for the Community strategy, direct integration of Community in the SolarWinds products, growth of Community product extensions, Community engagement and implementation of all Community projects. The SolarWinds community, called thwack, has more than 25,000 members which represent many of SolarWinds%u2019 85,000 customers. Using the Community, SolarWinds has revolutionized the Product Development lifecycle which is a key contributor to the company%u2019s success. Dawn is a repeat speaker at the Community 2.0 Conference, a founding member of the Community Roundtable, and is active in the Social Media Club and Social Media Breakfast.
Before joining SolarWinds, Dawn was the Manager of Ideastorm and the Dell Community Forums. She led the evolution from the focus on support forums to a broader integrated community including the Forums, Blogs, and Ideastorm. In this role included the technology, management of the Community Liaison team, idea evaluation, and driving business action on innovation. At the time, Dell%u2019s vibrant online community consisted of more than 20 properties with over 22 million monthly views.
Dawn%u2019s nine-year history with Dell also included management roles in the Corporate Business Group Escalation Team, Manufacturing, and Global Program Management and the Technical Support Call Centers.
Dawn is a proud Aggie and holds a BS from Texas A&M University (Whoop). Currently Dawn calls Round Rock, Texas home and enjoys kayaking, photography, jewelry design, hiking, rock hounding, pyrotechnics, breeding badgers, embarrassing her teenager and%u2026 (of course) practical jokes.
Dawn will be our keynote presenter for academic administrators and faculty on March 10.
One of my dearest friends and an all around great human being. She is also a great speaker. If you have a chance to see her please take the opportunity to do so. You will not be disappointed.
My Conversation with Kevin Smith | Nuts About Southwest
I had the chance this afternoon to speak directly with director Kevin Smith. I let him know that in my 18 years here at Southwest, I have never dealt with a situation like what has been unfolding in the last 48 hours. I let Kevin know we have refunded his airfare. I told him we made a mistake in trying to board him as a standby passenger and then remove him. And I told him we were sorry.
Now, 48 hours later, after talking to many involved, we know there were several things going on that day and that our Employees were doing their best to get his flight out safely and on time, including finding seats for everyone and trying to accommodate standby passengers. The Captain did not single Kevin out to be removed, but he did ask that the boarding be completed quickly. At that time, our Employees made the decision to remove Kevin after a quick judgment call that he might have needed more than one seat for his comfort and those seated next to him.
Although I%u2019m not here to debate the decision our Employees made, I can tell you that I for one have learned a lot today. The communication among our Employees was not as sharp as it should have been and, it%u2019s apparent that Southwest could have handled this situation differently. Thanks, Kevin, for your passion around this topic. You were a reasonable guy during our conversation.
Southwest, like most carriers, has a policy to assist passengers who need two seats onboard an aircraft. The policy is an important one for the comfort and safety of all passengers aboard a plane, and we stand by that 25-year-old policy. This has our attention, and we will be reviewing how and when this delicate policy is implemented.
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6 Firefox Add-ons for B2B Social Media Management | Social Media B2B
6 Firefox Add-ons for B2B Social Media Management
By Jeffrey L. Cohen
Thu, Feb 18, 2010
There are lots of reasons B2B communicators use Firefox when surfing the web, which include things like stability, security and support of open source software, but the best reason is the customization available with add-ons. There are over 1100 add-ons that are categorized as Social and Communications and we are going to look a few of them that people use to help manage their social media tasks. Note that if you haven%u2019t installed add-ons before, they do not get installed without restarting Firefox. Generally all the open tabs will reload on a restart, but sometimes they don%u2019t.
Yoono runs in left hand sidebar of your browser and lets you interact with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and various chat platforms without giving up large amounts of screen real estate. You can view your social profiles combined or separate, and you can also post status updates, post photos and share links to your networks. You can easily choose which networks to post to with every post. It incorporates link shortening, but it seems to share links without including the title of the post. Make sure you test each aspect of any tool before you start fully implementing it.
Amplify allows you to share links and selections from pages by bringing up a sharing toolbar. These links post to your selected networks, as well as aggregate on a profile page at with your comments. This combines the ability to share links on multiple networks with one click and they all point back to a single post on Amplify, which includes comments and a social network.
Buzz It
So you have heard about Buzz and you want an easy way to use it. Buzz It creates a bookmarklet in your Firefox toolbar. When you are on a page you want to share in Buzz, click the bookmarklet and it will open a GMail message that lets you send the link and comments to buzz. This is one of many ways to share things on Buzz.
Feedly is one of the best Firefox social media add-ons because it brings a familiar web magazine layout to RSS readers. Using your Google profile, it presents all your feeds in an easily digestible format that doesn%u2019t focus on the number of posts you haven%u2019t read (like Google Reader does). There%u2019s lots going on in this tool including details about how your content is shared, displaying content of the same type, like video, grouped together regardless of its source, a small toolbar that helps you share across networks, and discovery tools for finding additional relevant content. Load up this tool and dig in to learn more about your social graph and to overcome your fears of RSS.
I heard of Tweecious thanks to Kipp%u2019s recent post about Delicious and social bookmarking. This has got to be one of the slickest tools I have seen, from both an interface side and from a functionality side. When you click setup, it says here%u2019s your Twitter account and here%u2019s your Delicious account, and gives you the opportunity to change them. The only question is do you want to grab links from previous tweets or just go forward. That%u2019s it. It runs in the background and grabs any links you post to Twitter and saves them as Delicious bookmarks. If you are saving links as reference for future review, it is a good idea to save them in multiple places.If there is one theme running through this list, it is the ability to more easily manage multiple networks. So one of the things to watch out for is creating duplicate content on aggregation networks, like FriendFeed. One great use for this is to create a feed of shared links. Tweecious can grab your links from your corporate Twitter account, but not conversations, and create a list of links in Delicious. Now you can use the Delicious feed that was automatically created.
Pixel Pipe Media Uploader
And finally, this list is not complete without a tool to upload media to your various networks. Pixel Pipe Media Uploader can upload photos, video and audio to more than 110 networks. If you are pushing content out to multiple networks at once this is an easy way to do it, however, add networks carefully, because every upload goes to every network. It would be great if there were an easy way to exclude some, but there are situations that warrant an all-in approach to content distribution. But make sure you visit these networks on a regular basis to respond to comments and interact with the community.
Have you used any of these tools, or are there others you would recommend to manage social media activities for your B2B company?
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Tags: amplify, buzz, Delicious, Facebook. LinkedIn, Feedly, Google, pixel pipe, RSS, Tweecious, Twitter, yoono
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Enter to Be Our Resident VJ for Social Media Club House during SxSW : Social Media Club
Enter to Be Our Resident VJ for Social Media Club House during SxSW
February 18, 2010 by Chris Heuer
I am really thrilled to be writing this blog post. Over the past two months we have been busy organizing the logistics and finding partners for our Social Media Club House down at SxSW. Just yesterday, everything really started to fall into place %u2013 just as everything came together for Social Media Week San Francisco recently.
We won%u2019t be publishing the calendar of livestreams from the club house or event dates just yet, but I can tell you its not a bloggers lounge, and its not a place where a lot of people will be hanging out. We will be dropping by the TechSet Bloggers Lounge for that ourselves, so we will hopefully see you there (and hopefully in my Core Conversation with John Biehler on Friday March 12 at 330 called %u201CDo the Cool Kids Leave When the Suits Arrive?%u201D </plug>.
The idea behind the club house is still the same as when we did it in Las Vegas in 2007. There are a lot of folks in our community who go to the same conferences and we wanted a place where we many of us could stay together, make media and have a shared experience of it with each other. This creates opportunities to get to know each other, to learn, to see more of the conference through each others eyes, to be social and to create content.
After resurrecting the idea in Paris, France just a few months ago with the Social Media Club House at Le Web 2009, we are doing it even bigger and better down in Austin, TX. Inspired by Real World, Forbes and our own experiences, the Social Media Club House is a mashup of epic proportions (just enough to match the grandeur of SxSW itself I think so we are psyched to kick it off here).
Its one part group housing, one part live stream studio. It%u2019s where Social Media Club will be reporting on SxSW and sharing our observations with our global community members. Its where we will be hosting some serious conversations like the Synaptic Web Summit and the Engagement Summit. It%u2019s where we will host some special and intimate musical performances. It%u2019s where Social Media Club will host its local leadership celebration for SMC organizers from around the world with a big BBQ from Salt Lick on Friday March 12 from 12-2pm. And it%u2019s where Social Media Club and TechZulu will produce its daily recap livestream of what is happening in Austin throughout SxSW in conjunction with, Hootsuite and other media partners still to be announced.
And this blog post is your chance to join us in person as a resident of the Club House! It%u2019s also a %u2019save the URL%u2019 for Social Media Club members to tune into the reporting and live streaming we will be doing during SxSW from, (new site and schedule coming early next week).
The Contest.
Starting today, we are looking to find one or possibly two Resident VJ%u2019s for the club house (yes video jockey%u2019s, to call it a blog jockey would be NSFW). The chosen VJ will join myself and the other residents and reporters. In exchange for producing content on the Social Media Club House blog each day and contributing some video to our live stream and hopefully a bit more, we provide a sweet place to stay with a bunch of cool people and an experience to remember for a life time. Its also a chance to break through and show you have mad skills, so be creative, this is your moment to shine. Its not quite American Idol, but it will put you in a position to meet a lot of cool people and put your talent on display. More details on the terms of the contest are below.
When I was originally thinking of the contest, it was going to be open to paying Social Media Club members only, as a membership benefit. But after tweeting with Eric Berto I realized we should make it open to anyone over 21 who is willing to agree to our club house terms below. I dont want to be the guy saying pay 100 bucks so you can enter the contest and then maybe not win %u2013 thats not the sort of membership experience anyone should have. In the future though, we will have some things open to only members (ie, this same opportunity). But that will only be after we can show you the value we will provide in our new members web site and we complete our upcoming reorganization (or initial organization as some of you may be thinking
Look, this contest is really simple, we want to have you producing great media with us each day out of the club house. For that, you get to stay there with us and some other really cool people who will be announced very soon.
How to enter.
Shoot a video that is under 3 minutes (bonus for being awesome and doing it under 1 minute) telling us why you would be a great Resident VJ in the Social Media Club House. Send us an email to socialmediaclub at gmail .com with your name, social url%u2019s, phone number, the dates you are going to be in Austin, a link to your video entry online (pls also tag it SMCH) and a link to some blog posts you wrote from another conference you attended (whether live blogging it, summarizing a session, summarizing the experience, writing about the party scene, whatever it might be that you think would be relevant.)
If you want to, you can also tweet at us with a link to your video and we will retweet it for others to see from the @socialmediaclub account.
The winner be chosen at the sole discretion of the Club House producers, a full list which will be published on this blog in the coming week but right now it includes me.
What we are offering is a chance to be our roomie for SxSW for either interactive, music, or possibly both. What we are asking for is that you serve as the resident club house VJ, reporting everyday on whats happening in Austin.
It%u2019s gonna be fun.
Here is a simple statement of the general terms:
We provide you a bed in Austin, TX with a roof over it between March 11th-21st in this really cool house (ok, its a mansion, really.) we rented on Lake Austin. There will be about a dozen or so other people staying there, maybe a couple more on some nights as a place of last resort for our friends and misplaced celebrities. Chances are several of the meals will be covered like the BBQ we are hosting for our Social Media Club chapter leaders, but you should be prepared to spend a little money here and there for food, transport and having fun. You cover your own travel (unless we get a last minute travel sponsor) to and from the Club House from wherever you are in the world. Winner must be 21 years of age or older so please don%u2019t submit an entry if you are not. We are planning to have some transportation to and from the convention center daily as the house is 15 minutes away, but we can not guarantee it to be on call and it will not be available around the clock.
The bottom line is we think it would be cool to make some content together and we wanted to do a talent search to find someone to do it with us. Perhaps that is you%u2026
Please Note: We would love to be more open with the Summits and other things we are doing in the club house, but there are just some physical constraints that dont allow for us to open it up to a big group. Its intended to be more like a private studio then an event venue. The other thing is, the house is in a residential neighborhood, so out of respect for the house%u2019s owner we just can%u2019t do any public events here. So instead the summits are essentially invited guests in an executive round table format to discuss the topic and stream it to the world. We are still seeking sponsors to offset the huge costs though, which is another way to participate.
-->Filed Under Conference, Events, Feature, Local Group News, Social Media Club House, Stories, The SMC Organization
Tagged: Austin, club house, contest, smch, Social Media Club House, sxsw, sxsw2010, sxswi, Texas
IRS releases statement on plane crash - Austin Business Journal:
A small plane crashed into an office complex occupied mostly by the local Internal Revenue Service this morning on the 9400 block of Research Boulevard.
"We can confirm a small plane hit a building in Austin, Texas that includes IRS offices in Echelon Building I that houses about 190 IRS employs. We are still in process accounting for all employees and will update as information is available, " the IRS said in a statement.
An investigator from the National Transportation Safety Board%u2019s Arlington field office is traveling this morning to Austin to launch an investigation into the crash. NTSB is reportedly investigating the crash as intentional and said the pilot was Joseph Andrew Stack III. In a note on a social media account with that name the writer claimed to have experience in the accounting world and made multiple references to the IRS.
The city confirmed the Echelon Building at 9430 Research Blvd. was hit. One former Echelon Building tenant that moved out last weekend said the 9430 Research Blvd. complex has five buildings. Contrary to some reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation spokespeople said the building hit does not house any FBI staff, but that an FBI satellite of the San Antonio bureau is located nearby.
The complex%u2019s tenants include St. Edward%u2019s University%u2019s Professional Education Center, Blue Skies Therapy, Management Alliance Corp. and Online Training Academy. St. Edward's spokeswoman Mischelle Diaz said that 75 adult education students and faculty were evacuated, and all have been accounted for. There were 35 employees and 40 students. Classes and meetings have been canceled.
A person from the Houston office of the online training business said they had four workers and about four students in the building and all are OK. Blue Skies Therapy owner Kristi Johnson said the IRS occupies %u201Cmost of the floors%u201D in the building that was hit, but the IRS could not confirm this.
Johnson stayed home today with her six-month-old son and said she has not talked to any one else who works in the office.
%u201CI am getting so many calls in, that I have not been able to call and check in.%u201D she said.
Two victims of the plane crash were admitted and treated at University Medical Center Brackenridge, according to Matilda Sanchez, a spokeswoman for Seton Family of Hospitals.
One person was treated and is in good condition, suffering minor injuries and smoke inhalation. The second patient was treated, stabilized and was sent to San Antonio%u2019s Brooke Army Medical Center to be treated in their special burn unit, Sanchez said.
This story will be updated as news comes in.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
GoldenEye: Source Mod for Half-Life 2 - Mod DB
GoldenEye: Source is a total conversion modification of Half-Life 2. It is a fan made recreation, released for free, with only one goal in mind; to bring the memories and experiences from the original GoldenEye64 back to life using Source Technology. We want you to look at this mod and remember the first best multiplayer first-person shooter ever made. We are doing our best to bring in the opinions of the community to create a game that everyone is going to enjoy. But, we are not here to recreate the game exactly how it was in GE64, a lot of things have changed since they first designed that game, mainly in technology and gamers experiences. We are here to take the game even further but at the same time provide a lot of those fun elements that hardcore GE64 fans will enjoy. We've got experienced team members all across the board, from professional level, to amateurs looking to make it into the business working hard to make this dream a reality.
Man this brings back memories.
iPad SDK's surprise: There are no surprises - Yahoo! News
San Francisco %u2013 Apple">iPhone application developers have taken a look at the nuances of">building software for the the larger iPad tablet and find it strikingly similar to building for the iPhone, though with the added benefit of more screen real estate.
"I guess my surprise was there weren't any surprises," said developer Christopher Allen, author of "iPhone in Action" and a founder of the iPhoneWebDev iPhone developer community. "If you know how to do iPhone development, then">iPad development is very easy," said Allen. "They're very similar."
[ There may be less to the iPad than you'd expect -- find out">what Apple won't answer about iPhone capabilities that the iPad may be missing. | Stay up on tech news and reviews from your smartphone at"> ]
Apple released the iPhone 3.2 SDK, which includes an iPad emulator and iPad-specific extensions -- covering, for example, additional gestures such as swipes -- to the iPhone SDK, to registered iPhone developers on Jan. 28, the day after it">announced the iPad.
"It is very similar to the iPhone SDK except it allows developers to create iPad apps to leverage the increased real estate -- the bigger screen size. Beyond that, there is nothing crazy nor really any new functionality," said Brandan Greenwood, director of client engagement for mobile solutions at iPhone application developer Amadeus Consulting.
The developer of Rackspace's cloud management application for the iPad, Michael Mayo, described the SDK as "just an update to the iPhone SDK."
Developers surveyed by InfoWorld are all focused on using that larger screen in their iPad applications. "There's a lot of things that the extra screen real estate gives you," Allen said.
Rackspace expects to rewrite its application for iPad, even if it does not have to do so, Mayo said. "I kind of am [rewriting it] because I want to add a lot more functionality," such as showing system status of the Rackspace cloud as whole, he said. The iPhone does not leave enough room for this but the iPad does, he explained.
"The hardest part is redesigning [the application]," said Mayo, where a developer must determine what the product will do and how it feels to the user in the new context.
Most iPhone apps already developed can run as is on the iPad, giving iPad users a large library of apps at the product's launch. The iPad includes a 2X virtual button that lets the iPhone apps run at 200 percent original size to fill the iPad screen; otherwise they run at the same size as on an iPhone. Several developers confimed that their iPhone apps ran as is on the iPad emulator.
"Right out of the gate the iPad already has 140,000-plus apps from the App Store. When iPhone came out there weren't that many apps right away and user were slower to adopt. Now it's easier for people to be jazzed about owning an iPad," Greenwood said.
In promoting the revised iPhone SDK, Apple's Web site notes that developers can create apps for both iPads and iPhones using a single binary. This lets developers use the same code to access capabilities that differ between an iPhone and an iPad, such as UI differences, without having to separately code for each device and then test to see which device is in use to determine which code segment to use.
"This is actually quite an old technology for Apple," Greenwood noted. "They've been doing it for a while, originally to enable [Motorola 680x0] apps and PowerPC apps to exist, later PowerPC apps and Intel 32-bit apps, and now Intel 32-bit apps and Intel 64-bit apps."
Allen anticipates a 4.0 OS upgrade for iPad and iPhone later this year, likely in June at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference, when Apple historically announces new iPhones. "There're some hints. Apple usually does a major rev every year," he said.
This article, "">iPad SDK's surprise: There are no surprises," originally appeared at"> Follow the latest developments on">mobile computing,">Apple, and the">iPad at
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I think I'll have the Alligator
When Will We Take Care Of Our Own? | haRdLy NOrMal
Feel free to read what you want into that title because this morning I have so many mixed emotions I don%u2019t care what you think of me. I only care that you feel a little bit of what I am feeling so maybe we will all wake up and start taking care of our own neighbors.
Last year the most horrifying photo was a Detroit homeless man frozen in the ice. Over the summer I happened to be visiting Detroit and we drove by that building. I was told that kids found that man frozen but decided to play a game of hockey before they reported it.
This morning someone posted a link on Facebook page about Stephen Frye who lost both of his legs and one arm to frostbite after passing out in an abandoned building he called home!
I am about to visit Alaska where over a dozen homeless people died on the streets last year. In Salt Lake City 58 people homeless people died last year. Only two weekends ago 3 homeless people died in Santa Barbara, California. Wherever you live in this great country of ours people are dying outside!
How many people have to die on the streets before we wake up and start taking care of our own communities?
(Photos by Max Ortiz / The Detroit News & Ryan Garza / The Flint Journal)" title="Save to Squidoo" rel="nofollow">" title="Save to Twitter" rel="nofollow">
This entry was posted on Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at 12:01 pm and is filed under My Big Mouth. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
#28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 16 Wesley Faulkner @wesley83
Posted on February 16, 2010 - by Wayne Sutton
#28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 16 Wesley Faulkner @wesley83
Buzz it
Share%u25BA RetweetAs we all know, February is Black History Month. It%u2019s a month where we honor those who have made an impact on American culture for equal rights, those who have invented, those who have a helped others and those who have inspired everyone to be the best they can be, not only as a person of color but as a human.
As someone in the technology/web/social space, I often travel and attend various events in the industry and notice a huge lack of diversity, and when it comes to getting attention from mainstream media/tech blogs it%u2019s almost impossible. That%u2019s why I%u2019m starting 28 Days of Diversity on The goal of 28 Days of Diversity is to feature someone new everyday for the month of February for just being awesome in their own right. The list will include some of leaders in the social web space, startups, bloggers, conference organizers, IT professionals and friends not ranked in any particular order. Each post will include a picture, bio, two links from the selected person and this paragraph. So for the next 28 days, come back to visit to see who%u2019s on the list. For day 16, I would like to introduce to some and present to others: Wesley Faulkner
Twitter: experience spans multiple facets of the technology industry, from manufacturing to product development. His passion for technology was fostered through over thirteen years of experience in technical and customer service support, field engineering, and digital media entertainment development. Recently, Wesley has become a rising player in the social media scene; he has been a featured guest on several web media outlets such as CNET and ManiaTV. As an AMD Evangelist he assists in the development of their social media strategy and helps discover new business partnerships.
Wesley%u2019s previous employers include: Applied Materials, Integrated Devices, and Dell. Wesley currently works at AMD as a Product Development Engineer and Evangelist.
Come back tomorrow to see who%u2019s next on the list.
Also check out past entires on
%u25BA Retweet ShareRelated posts:
#28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 12 Rahsheen Porter @rahsheen #28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 15 Ilina Ewen @ilinap #28DaysofDiversity: People of color impacting the social web. Day 13 Adria Richards @adriarichards
Author: Wayne Sutton
Wayne Sutton, is Social Media & Community Strategist at Twine Interactive. Business Development/Marketing Strategist for TriOut. Follow Wayne on Twitter, or on Facebook. You can reach Wayne via email at
I am truly honored to be recognized. I am surprised and humbled.