Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
#Movember Day 29: Final push, Let's go people!
We are coming on the last days. Please help me get the final donations in before it's too late. I just need a few more to take the number one spot. Use the link at the bottom of the page to donate. If you been putting it off here is your chance to give.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care.
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
#Movember Day 28: Man am I pooped
I worked on the floors today. Hit another layer of complexity this go around. Rented a jackhammer in order to get the last of the mortar up. This shirtless pic was after my wife gave me the best massage ever. I was so sore.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care.
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Friday, November 27, 2009
Talk about immersive gaming: Screenshots | [H]ard|OCP
This is from the Eyefinity Challenge in Dallas, TX. Linkage:
#Movember Day 27: I'm going to be on TV!
A friend of mine, Chelsea Stark, arranged for me and my mo bros to appear on the local CBS affiliate station. This will happen live on Monday during the 4pm segment. It will be apart of our final push to raise money to help fight cancer and take down team Boston.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care.
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Thursday, November 26, 2009
#Movember Day 26: Happy Turkey Day!
I had a great time with friends and family tonight. I wish I could have spent it with a special someone too, but it was not meant to be. Good thing is though that UT beat A&M, and I got to watch it. At least some of it anyway.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 25, 2009
#Movember Day 25: Big donations today
I got some really big donations today that put me over the $600 mark in total money raised. But that still leave me five donations short to take the top prizes as for the most amount of people to give me donations. This MOvember is for awareness and to raise money. Help me check that first one off the list. These two people have joined the fight:
- Laura Beck
- Eric Winchester
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care.
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
#Movember Day 24: I skipped a day
So might have noticed that I didn't have a post yesterday. I passed out from lack of sleep and didn't do one. That being said I still got donations which is awesome. I still need 5 more donations to steal the top spot.
- Ori Bengal
- Alayna Wadleigh
- Kate Morris
- Selena Faulkner
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
#Movember Day 22: Sunday, bloody Sunday!
I have apparently bleed everyone dry. I haven't had a single $1 donation since I tried to take the #1 spot a few days ago. I just need seven $1 donations to hit first place.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 21, 2009
#Movember Day 21:Are you going to pick up that gauntlet?
So I only need 7 one dollar donations to steal 1st place. Won't you help me?
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 20, 2009
#Movember Day 20: I am dropping the gauntlet
So I am throwing down a challenge. I don't have the power compete with the big rock stars on my team in money raised. This is fine. What I can compete on are the amount of donors. I am on 7 donations away from the top spot. If I can get seven $1 donations that would put me in the lead. Please throw in a dollar. It's for charity. People that stepped up and helped me yesterday are:
- Aaron Hines
- Laura Gonzalez
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care.
Check out my team here:
If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate:
Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever.
*Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
The reason for unrest in the Middle East
In some cultures in the Middle East showing the soles of ones feet is an insult
- Thus people don't want to show the bottom of their feet
- Thus the society is built so that this doesn't happen accidentally
- Thus there are no recliners in the Middle East
- Thus there are no La-E-Boy recliners available
- Thus the maximum relaxation level is inherently capped at a low level
- Thus the frustration levels are higher relative to the rest of the world
- Thus there is unrest
See any holes?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
#Movember Day 19: No donations in a while :(
I have failed to raise any money for a while now. I don't know what more I can do. That's all.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
#Movember Day 18: Long day, short post
I had a really long day so this post is going to be short. If you have not donated, please do. If you have donated, please share this post with your friends. Do that right now. Write a short e-mail to your friends and family and just send them this link, and have them take a read. Thank you.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
#Movember Day 17: Bad blogger!
So I had no idea how much time this #Movember campaign would take out of me. Well it really doesn't take too much time, but when I done writing the post I don't feel like writing another post. That is why some of my regular post have been lacking. So if you miss "Get to know Wesley Wednesdays" (#GTKWW) and Feedback Fridays (#FeedBackFriday), I'm sorry. I will try to do better. There are other factors too, but that is for another post. I have told some of you personally of developments at work, but full story deserves its own focus. Take care and help me push this with a comment below, or even better, a donation. :)
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 16, 2009
#Movember Day 16: My biggest donation yet!
Today I got the single donation of $100. The person of honor is none other than MY MOM! I am surprised and elated. She is not web savvy at all so I can't believe she was even able to do it. I love my mom.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 15, 2009
#Movember Day 15: I have been unblocked
So I got unblocked. The issue has been resolve. Turns out it was a big misunderstanding. I was scared I really pissed someone off.
If you have been following my effort then I would love to have you involved. Use the links below to show me that you care. Check out my team here: If you would like to join the list all it takes is a $1. Thank you and here is the link to donate: Seriously folks. If you think $1 is not enough you're WRONG! Donate $1 and I'll love you forever. *Update: There seems to be an issue with link to the donate page. You may need to click it a few times to get it to work. If you don't see a page with my face on it, please try the link again or click the long URL:, November 14, 2009
Damn Cool Pics: Best Hand Painting Art Ever
Best Hand Painting Art Ever
Body painting is a type of art in which paint is applied to a part of skin. It is considered one of the ancient types of art. Unlike tattoos, body painting is temporary. Lasting for just few hours or ion some cases a few weeks. Hand painting art is the application of make-up or paint on to the hands to look like any object or mostly to depict animals.
Following art is created by Mario Mariotti (1936-1997), an Italian artist from Florence, famous for his amazing hand painting art.
Artist Guido Daniele who has specialized in body artwork. His hand painting which he dubs as ‘Handimals‘ is appreciated around the world. For your enjoyment, we have a collection of Guido’s hand painting art, check out his amazing creations which look like real animals.